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Mothers Day Project for Obria Pregancy Resource Center - 2021
Mother's Day is just around the corner, on May 9th. As a staff we were discussing what to do this Mother's Day, as a congregation. Sometimes we do things specifically to recognize moms but not everybody is a mom, so we thought we would come up with a way that all of us could honor our moms, and bless some other moms, along with some important women in our lives.
We are taking a special offering this Mother's Day season as a tribute to honor motherhood. We're going to use that as a gift to Obria Pregnancy Medical Resource Center. Obria is right here in Sequim and they help moms, many who are going through a difficult time in their pregnancy.
So, if you donate to help with Obria, we're going to give you a flower and you can present that flower to a special lady of your choice. So, be planning ahead for mother's day and a special offering. For those of you who are joining us online and want to participate in this CLICK THIS LINK.
Recently a team of 9 people from Dungeness Community Church -- equipped with chainsaws, gardening tools and cleaning supplies -- visited Shohrat and Maya of Gospel Wave Media near Gig Harbor for a day of clean up and relationship building. We cut down a dead tree, hauled away the wood, cleaned out flower beds, scrubbed windows and then sat down to a traditional lunch of delicious grilled meats, fresh salads, yogurts and lentil soup. Everyone had a good time, including the children and the dogs!
Pastor Britt Hemphill interviews Mark & Susan Pfeiffer from REACH | TEACH | LOVE International. The Pfeiffers will be joining us in October to speak at DCC. The Global Outreach Committee at Dungeness Community Church is dedicated to reaching beyond Sequim and Clallam County to reach the world with the Love of Christ. Click here to learn more about the work of the DCC Global Outreach Committee.
Click Here to Watch Past Episodes of Deep Dive on YouTube
In the midst of all that occured in 2020, Dungeness Community Church's Youth Director Darren Sweeney flew to California to help his friend Rob DeCou compete what may very well be the toughest triathalon in the world, the Uberman. What's interesting about Darren teaming up with Rob down to why Rob chose to run the race in the first place. In this article Rob DeCou describes how he and Darren first met, how that changed his life, and how Darren's future work as missionary/global work for Dungeness Community Church led to Rob competing in what is known as "the worlds hardest endurance race."
On March 18 2021, the Sequim Gazette published an article on Rosalie DiMaggio and her team at Dungeness Community Church. Their efforts are providing wheelchairs, walkers and other mobility equipment to families in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. We are thankful for the opportunity we've had to collaborate with Bethel Ministries International and Mission Mobility in this way!
An Active Community Response
Amazingly, within a day of this article being published, a local gentleman called from out of the blue to offer a wheelchair he had recently acquired. He had no use for it, but saw the opportunity to salvage it -- in hopes an opportunity would show itself -- and it did! Terry Sage, our custodian, got to quick work cleaning the wheelchair.
The following Monday, the Penninsula Daily News published the same article. We were flooded with phone calls, pick up requests, and drop offs of equipment!
Hello Ladies! I am Marie Meyers, one of the leaders of Women’s Bible Studies here at Dungeness Community Church, in Sequim, WA. We are here to help you connect with each other whether in person or via zoom, and to help us all grow in our relationship with our Triune God. We welcome you to join us in our amazing Bible study adventure!
Hello DCC parents -- especially those with younger children. I’m Britt Hemphill Children & Family Ministries Pastor at Dungeness Community Church in Sequim, WA.
Starting this week, families attending DCC in-person services will stay together for the entire communion service. Children’s Church and Pre-K will not be available. We’ll be doing this at every monthly communion service from here on out.
Hello, my name is Greg Hustad and I teach a group at DCC called the Wordsmiths. Wordsmiths started at Dungeness Community Church in Sequim many years before my wife Sue and I ever became a part of the group and was given the name Wordsmiths because, as one of our long time members Janet Moore told me, “we search the scriptures and rely on them for truth to live by in everyday life with Christ.”
The Wordsmiths meet during the day, every Wednesday morning, 10:00 am – noon in the DCC Chapel.
by Stacie Van de Weghe
Sometimes God uses irony to get our attention. I recently survived one of my worst parenting days ever. Pretty much the whole day, I felt like a cross between an angry drill sergeant and a volcano. The tell-tale vein on the side of my forehead was in overdrive. Can you relate? Then, in divinely ironic timing, just as my forehead vein settled down for the evening, I received a text message. “Could you write an article entitled ‘5 Tips for Stay-at-Home Parents?’” I laughed. I felt like the one who needed the tips—not the one who should be giving them!
Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to read the following tips knowing they are written by someone right alongside you in the trenches. These are not simple strategies to make your day flow smoother. Instead, these are hardwon truths I’m holding onto for dear life. Each one causes a subtle perspective shift that profoundly impacts our ability not only to parent, but to be parented by our Good Father. There are plenty of valuable articles on how to manage meal prep, laundry, tantrums, and whining. But I want to take it a step further because if you nail the housework and the child rearing but miss out on the riches of intimacy with Jesus in the middle of it, you’ve missed the whole point. If, like me, being a stay-at-home parent has brought you to the end of yourself, and you don’t like what you’ve found there, then keep reading. These five tips are for you.
On behalf of the DCC Global Outreach Committee, I wanted to share a super important development about our short term mission trips to Nicaragua and Guatemala planned for 2021.
DCC has partnered with Living Water International for over a decade now. In that time our partnership has reached more than 20 communities across 4 continents. We recently interacted with Julie Hill from LWI as part of our 2020 Advent Conspiracy. Here she explains the work of LWI and how Dungeness Community Church has contributed to their work over the years.
"It is not by man but God alone that we can continue to find water, Living Water, HIS water, His life, country by country, well by well and gift by gift."
- Julie Hill
In a 2012 message shared at Bethlehem Baptist Church, pastor John Piper said;
"Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Missions is our way of saying: the joy of knowing Christ is not a private, or tribal, or national or ethnic privilege. It is for all. And that’s why we go. Because we have tasted the joy of worshiping Jesus, and we want all the families of the earth included."
“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” - (Psalm 22:27)
"Seeking the worship of the nations is fueled by the joy of our own worship. You can’t commend what you don’t cherish. You can’t proclaim what you don’t prize. Worship is the fuel and the goal of missions."
Here are some of the things DCC is doing to partner with God in the grand task of missions for the sake of worship among the nations this coming year…
At some point in our life we will all experience loss through the death of a loved one, friend, or someone we’ve known. But there are different kinds of losses, I think we’ve been a witness to that with the covid-19 virus. How could this happen so fast?
In the process of focusing on the deaths from this virus, I started having a conversation with God. How can we as followers of Jesus bring some hope to all the different people who are feeling the loss of joy, loss of hope, loss of jobs, and loss of life as we have known it here in America.
The mission of the Community Engagement Team (CET) is to encourage our congregation to reach out to our community with the love and message of Jesus Christ. We do this by providing outreach training for the DCC family. We explore the local area for outreach opportunities by continually exegeting the Sequim community. We then inform the elders and pastoral staff to see if these opportunities are a good fit for DCC in a given season. An ongoing goal of the Community Engagement Team is to build relationships of trust and goodwill with community leaders.
Can you feel it? Fall is in the air! The fresh leaves of Spring are becoming discolored and dry. Cold sneaks in with the morning air. The sun bids goodnight to the moon a little earlier each evening. And Summer has started its migration to the other side of our planet.
You might not think of the Pacific Northwest as being home to a surf community, but it is! The Pacific NW Christian Surfers started gathering over their love for Surfing and God. What started in a coffee shop in Sequim, has grown into a full fledged surf ministry. Their mission: “Bringing People to Christ through Living Water.” In this article, Pacifiic NNW Christian Surfers co-founder, George Crabb, shares the story of how it all started and where they are headed from here.