In a 2012 message shared at Bethlehem Baptist Church, pastor John Piper said;
"Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Missions is our way of saying: the joy of knowing Christ is not a private, or tribal, or national or ethnic privilege. It is for all. And that’s why we go. Because we have tasted the joy of worshiping Jesus, and we want all the families of the earth included."
“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” - (Psalm 22:27)
"Seeking the worship of the nations is fueled by the joy of our own worship. You can’t commend what you don’t cherish. You can’t proclaim what you don’t prize. Worship is the fuel and the goal of missions."
Here are some of the things DCC is doing to partner with God in the grand task of missions for the sake of worship among the nations this coming year…
Global Outreach Committee
The Global Outreach Committee (GOC) is a group of DCC women and men who meet monthly to steward the resources of the church toward global missions and serve as the liaison between DCC and its missionaries. Most GOC members have participated in mission trips or served in cross-cultural missions at some point. I love the heart of this team to serve God’s work among the nations! The GOC is also responsible to ensure our vision, philosophies and practices of global mission are aligned with DCC Missions policies and guidelines.
Global Partnerships
We are currently partnered with thirteen missionary “units” serving in a variety of geographic, cultural, and ministry contexts. To meet several of our missionaries, check out the list of Global Workers on the Global Engagement page of the DCC website.
One exciting development is our new partnerships with two young women just launching into full-time cross-cultural ministry;
- Brianna Harrison will be serving missionary families, especially children ages 5 to 7 - with Missionary Training International in Colorado;
- Kristin Caynor is partnering with national Christian leaders in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia and also helping develop resources for cross-cultural workers who serve those leaders.
It’s been very encouraging to add Brianna and Kristin as DCC global partners in 2021!
If you do check out the profiles of our Global Workers, you may wonder why only seven of the thirteen missionaries we partner with are shown on the DCC web page. That’s because the other six are serving in locations or ministry contexts where security concerns prevent posting photos and ministry identity. But they are still part of our community of DCC on global mission!
Short Term Missions 2021
A major aspect of DCC on global mission in 2021 will be our Short Term Mission trips. There was obviously huge disappointment when all our 2020 trips were canceled because of Covid-19. We believe the 2nd half of this year will again offer an opportunity to send out teams! Two trips are planned;
- A team to Nicaragua in partnership with Living Water International. This trip is scheduled for June 27th to July 3rd.
For more information, contact Brian or Molly Omann. - A team to Guatemala in partnership with Bethel Ministries International. This trip is scheduled for August 21-28. For more information, contact Rosalie DiMaggio.
Standards of Excellence
A new, important development in our Short Term Mission focus is our membership with the organization Standards of Excellence (SOE) in Short Term Missions. You can find a link to SOE near the bottom of the Global Engagement webpage under ‘DCC Global Partners.’ Simply put, the mission of SOE is to support and equip churches to make mission trips better.
At the center of SOE’s support is their 7 Standards of Excellence, which together create a code of best practice for churches involved in short-term mission. These 7 standards – beginning with God-Centeredness and ending with Thorough Follow-Through are an outstanding framework for aligning how and why we do Short Term Missions. SOE also offers an amazing variety of seminars, webinars, and articles that support churches involved in Short Term Missions.
The GOC is becoming familiar with the 7 Standards of Excellence now. These standards are going to be front and center as we begin mobilizing our 2021 Nicaragua and Guatemala teams. I believe our membership with Standards of Excellence is going to transform DCC short-term missions as we move forward!
DCC on Mission Group
DCC on Mission is a group made up of people in the church who specifically request email communication about the work of DCC in global missions. This communication could be missionary updates, information about the status of global projects, and/or opportunities to partner through prayer and/or finances. If you are interested in becoming a part of the DCC on Mission group, email me at I’ll be glad to add you to the list.
Contact Me For More Info
If you have more questions about what DCC is up to in global missions, feel free to contact me.
For the glory of God among the nations in 2021,
Pastor Britt
Click to read more about Britt and the rest of our team at DCC.
DCC's Global Mission as Featured on DCC Deep Dive
Watch the 1/21/20 edition of "Deep Dive" to learn more about the Global Outreach Committee's efforts in 2021. In this Deep Dive, Britt gives a summary of what is going on with the GOC and talks with Brian & Molly Omann and Rosalie Di Maggio about the upcoming short term mission trips in 2021.