In 1990 a group of Christians from Houston, Texas went on a medical mission to Kenya, Africa. While there, they learned that what these Kenyans needed more than medical assistance is clean, safe water.  Dirty water is mainly what was making them ill. This group returned to Houston and formed the nonprofit Living Water International and since that date they have completed 21,058 water projects that provides safe water to over 6 million thirsty people (as of 7/27/20).

Living Water International's Purpose

LWI exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water and to experience “living water”-- the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.  They also provide classes in sanitation and hygiene and they do this all “the right way” by using local people and resources as much as possible.  They often work through the local church and emphasize partnership and empowerment.

DCC's Partnership with LWI

DCC started partnering with LWI in 2012 through Advent Conspiracy.  Advent Conspiracy was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully and generously. Advent is the story of a wondrous moment when God entered our world to make things right.  It is the greatest story ever told and it changes everything—including the way we celebrate Christmas. The movement emphasizes that we put the Christmas spotlight on the birth of Jesus and the coming of the Messiah and Redeemer and take some of the money that we normally spend of gifts and give it to some folks who need something as simple as clean, safe water. The congregation at DCC has responded very favorably to this idea and have funded 22 water projects in India, Nicaragua, Peru, Haiti, El Salvador and Ghana, Honduras and Zambia

In 2018 DCC and some other churches on the Peninsula formed Team Living Water and participated in the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. In the last 3 years this effort has funded 5 water projects.

In 2016 at team of 6 DCC folks traveled to Nicaragua to help drill a well in the village of El Amparo.  The team also taught classes in sanitation and hygiene and shared the Gospel.  Another team is hoping to travel to Nicaragua in 2021.

Why Clean Water?

Clean water is the foundation for other forms of development.  Without easy access to water that is safe, countless hours are spent in water collection and household income is spent to purchase water and medical treatment for water-related diseases.  Safe, clean water removes the single heaviest burden from the lives of the poorest people in our world.  Not having to deal with this daily crisis means time for school and work, life and health, and allows individuals and communities to plan for tomorrow.