Hello DCC parents -- especially those with younger children. I’m Britt Hemphill Children & Family Ministries Pastor at Dungeness Community Church in Sequim, WA.
Starting this week, families attending DCC in-person services will stay together for the entire communion service. Children’s Church and Pre-K will not be available. We’ll be doing this at every monthly communion service from here on out.
Teaching the Purpose of Communion
Communion, or the Lord’s supper, is an act of corporate worship for the local church. Though we don’t often think about it, communion also serves as an important way the local church disciples children. This simple act of worship practically connects generations in the local church, and within families at home, to the core message of the gospel.
Parents, if you’ve participated in the Lord’s supper at home as a family, that may have provoked an important question from your kids who have not yet trusted Christ. They might ask “Why can’t I join in?” This tension provides a great opportunity to explain the meaning of communion, and remind those kids who have trusted Christ, of how and why their participation in communion matters.
If you’re interested, here are two short, kid-friendly videos explaining communion. Whether you plan to attend a communion service in the near future at Dungeness Community Church, or will continue with the Lord’s supper as part of home worship, these might be helpful to share with your children,. If you have any questions feel free to email me at britt@dcchurch.org.
Parent Resources
I also have a more in-depth Parent’s Guide for Communion available at the building on Sunday mornings. You can work through this interactive guide with your kids at your leisure. If you’re interested in a copy of the guide to support your home worship, please call the church office and we’ll gladly put one in the mail for you!
I’m prayerfully expectant and excited about how God will use communion as a springboard to conversations between you and your children about the gospel. If there’s more I can do to support those conversations, please let me know. And I pray God will bless your worship thru the Lord’s supper as a family today.
Britt Hemphill
Children & Family Ministries Pastor
Dungeness Community Church - Sequim, WA