Your incredible generosity is responsible for this amazing pellet stove!

Doug and Roberta Moore from River Of Life Ministries are incredibly thankful for the pellet stove we helped purchase for ROL's Christian Care Home in Romania. What a change this means for them to care for their community this winter and beyond!
Please enjoy this brief note and video from the Moores.
"Please greet and thank everyone at DCC for us!!

It is such a huge blessing to have this stove! It’s been challenging for Doug to do everything that was needed - like prepare the building for it and get everything ready to hook into the system and put in the chimney. All the while trying to keep up with our normal maintenance, plus get everything updated for the [River of Life Care Home] accreditation and licensing renewal process.

We are challenged but very grateful to be able to do all this!!! And I know Doug will be so thankful every night he can sleep this winter and not have to get up to fill the wood stove!!!"

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