We are committed to ministry beyond our local community. We believe Jesus called his followers to actively take the good news to every corner of the world. We support individuals who are called and committed to living in cross-cultural contexts to share the love of Christ, train indigenous leaders and establish functioning, multiplying local congregations. This aspect of our ministry is overseen by the DCC Global Outreach Committee (GOC).
The workers we support engage in ministries that touch the range of human need, physical as well as spiritual. Some are actively involved in Bible Translation, making the Scriptures available in the heart languages of people who have never had access to scripture before. Some workers live in countries where active Christian witness is unimpeded. Others live in regions which are closed to the gospel. In all situations, our workers seek to follow God’s leading and demonstrate in both word and deed the power and love of Christ.
Part of the philosophy of Global Outreach at DCC is that we want to raise up and support workers from within our own church family and local region. To this end we have chosen to support fewer workers and deeper support to all those we partner with. We believe this strengthens both their sense of encouragement, connection, and support to the DCC community and helps us to more fully and meaningfully engage and pray for their ministries. Approximately 10% of our annual church budget is dedicated to the support of Global Workers and the work of DCC in local cross-cultural missions.
We also encourage participation in short-term mission trips where DCC teams are equipped to participate in work projects through our partner organizations or to support the efforts of our Global Workers. These trips encourage those who live far away and provide valuable opportunities for our church family to gain a broader vision for God at work in the world and even explore if God may call them to serve cross-culturally.
Daniel works with SIL Global Marketing and Communications, specifically with their organizational leaders around the world (often in hostile settings), helping them to communicate in appropriate ways about the work of SIL. He also serves as a Board Director for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Read more about the Watter's ministry by clicking here.
Doug and Roberta Moore are the founders of River of Life Humanitarian Foundation. River of Life is accredited and licensed by the Romanian government as a provider of social services. They have served in Romania since 1998, with the primary purpose of helping the most vulnerable segments of that society: at-risk pregnant women and their children, needy elderly, and abandoned children.
They do this by sharing the gospel in very tangible ways that they pray will lead to saving faith, genuine heart transformation and changed lives. The Moores have adopted five Romanian children ages 2-14. Read more about the Moore's ministry by clicking here.
Kristin is a writer and educator who grew up in Thailand and the U.S. Currently based in Phoenix AZ, she is able to work in collaboration with other seasoned cross-cultural workers to develop biblically-based resources for approaching cross-cultural work, and for addressing issues of conflict, division, and violence. In order to further these efforts, she is also earning a PhD in Bible.
Bob and Kelly served in Asia for many years in evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Now, as US Director of Frontiers, Bob has the honor of leading a ministry whose sole purpose is the fulfillment of the Great Commission among all peoples. Frontiers’ long-term teams serve in 50 nations, proclaiming the Good News, discipling new believers, training leaders with simple Bible study methods, and catalyzing multiplying house churches. We are always searching for the places where the Gospel is not being proclaimed so we can fill that gap. It is Bob’s joy to lead Frontiers’ US efforts of calling, training, and sending this new generation to the frontiers. Read more about the Peckham's ministry by visiting FrontiersUSA.org.
Beyond these global workers are others who serve in locations where security concerns prevent posting photos and ministry identity on this website. Information is available by contacting britt@dcchurch.org. Connect to our global partners by joining our DCC on Mission group to receive mission news and prayer requests via email.
Dungeness Community Church
Phone: (360) 683-7333
Email: info@dcchurch.org
Address: 45 Eberle Ln, Sequim, WA 98382
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Dungeness Community Church
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In-person 9:00 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.
(Children’s programs at 9:00 A.M.)
Livestream 9:00 (view online by clicking here.)
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