DCC GOC Wheelchairs 1413On March 18 2021, the Sequim Gazette published an article on Rosalie DiMaggio and her team at Dungeness Community Church. Their efforts are providing wheelchairs, walkers and other mobility equipment to families in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. We are thankful for the opportunity we've had to collaborate with Bethel Ministries International and Mission Mobility in this way!

An Active Community Response

Amazingly, within a day of this article being published, a local gentleman called from out of the blue to offer a wheelchair he had recently acquired. He had no use for it, but saw the opportunity to salvage it -- in hopes an opportunity would show itself -- and it did! Terry Sage, our custodian, got to quick work cleaning the wheelchair. DCC GOC Wheelchairs 1412

The following Monday, the Penninsula Daily News published the same article. We were flooded with phone calls, pick up requests, and drop offs of equipment! 

Looking Forward into 2021

Although our 2020 short term mission trip to Guatemala was cancelled, we are still on mission to serve the children and adults who face physical disabilities in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support -- if you have or know of any mobility equimpent that is going unused, please consider donating it to this cause. Feel free to contact the Church office and we will take it from there!

Click Here to Read the Article 

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