• Living Water Builds a Well in The Amazon

    Living Water International Drilling a Well in Peru.

    Dungeness Community Church has long supported the efforts of Living Water International to connect communities with access to sustainable access to clean drinking water clean, sanitation and hygiene.

    From Living Water International's Website:

    "As followers of Jesus, our concern is for the whole person—physical and spiritual. Through ongoing Christian witness, we know that only Jesus can truly transform people, restore relationships, and heal factors that lead to poverty, hunger, and thirst in our world."

    Part of these efforts has taken form in Team Living Water,which gathers local runners to raise funds by walking, jogging or running in the North Olympic Discovery Marathon each year. 

    Click to learn More about Team Living Water

    A Letter from Julie Hill

    A wonderful update you can forward along to this year’s NODM team…. The well in Peru that they worked so hard to train, run, walk, raise money for has BEEN COMPLETED!!! 

    Clean Water for Peru

    Because of Team Living Water'scollected efforts, a small community/hamlet of 175 men, women and children FINALLY has safe and clean water access that will be sustained for them. The name of the community is called Libertad and it’s located in the region of Ucalayi, in the inland part of Peru, in the Amazon rainforest. This community is made of poor subsistence people, who live off the land, hunting, fishing and farming. 

    Living Water Internation Peru Town large

    Melita's Story

    While in community working, we interviewed a 75 year old woman named Melita about the prior water situation and she told us:

    20230803 Peru Well NODM 2023  collecting water Large

    “We have always collected water from the [Amazon] river, the local government never cared to give us drinking water, that is why we always consume water from the river, I thank God for keeping us alive, One of the stories I can tell is that of my neighbor, she always washed her dishes by the river, after washing her utensils she always collected water for her house, but one day she fainted, the heat was unbearable, she began to sink in the water, her little son who was next to her was screaming for help, because his mother was drowning, quickly thanks to God other neighbors nearby ran to help her, managing to save her and bring her to safety. That day was very tense to know that my neighbor could have died, now we are happy that LWI supports us in the issue of drinking water, I thank God for that.”

    Thank You For All You Do

    Thank you ALL for caring about and serving Melita and her community so that they may know the health and hope and safety that clean water brings!! I will have the completed report to share back in a few months but wanted to share this update along with a few photos from the project in the meantime. 

    Thank you, thank you ALL! GO TEAM LIVING WATER!!!

    In Christ,



    Julie Hill - Senior Director, Major Gifts - LIVING WATER INTERNATIONAL


  • It All Begins With Water: Living Water International's Relationship with DCC

    20200125 DCC LWI Picture1DCC has partnered with Living Water International for over a decade now. In that time our partnership has reached more than 20 communities across 4 continents. We recently interacted with Julie Hill from LWI as part of our 2020 Advent Conspiracy. Here she explains the work of LWI and how Dungeness Community Church has contributed to their work over the years.

    "It is not by man but God alone that we can continue to find water, Living Water, HIS water, His life, country by country, well by well and gift by gift."

    - Julie Hill 

  • Living Water International, Advent Conspiracy & Dungeness Community Church

    In 1990 a group of Christians from Houston, Texas went on a medical mission to Kenya, Africa. While there, they learned that what these Kenyans needed more than medical assistance is clean, safe water.  Dirty water is mainly what was making them ill. This group returned to Houston and formed the nonprofit Living Water International and since that date they have completed 21,058 water projects that provides safe water to over 6 million thirsty people (as of 7/27/20).