DCC's Men's Ministry has remained as active as possible during this time. Our three studies took a little time off, but with the help of the Zoom platform and some other strategies we are moving forward.
Studying "The Civil War Within"
In our Romans study we learned a lot. We have learned what our true identity in our Lord and Savior is about. We went through the book, The Civil War Within, By Wayne Taylor, which helped us understand and begin to apply the book of Romans, Chapters 1-8. We then moved onto Chapters 9-11, and with the help of Ryan, Robert and George we saw how God's sovereign plan has and is continuing to unfold, which prepared us for Chapter 12; what it looks like to live this life in and for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Are The Men Getting Back Together?
I know a lot of you have been asking when we are getting back together as Men. We are planning our fall kick off on September 12th. We agree, there is nothing that replaces us meeting in person. And we are going to do it safely! So save the date, we get you more info as the plans are finalized. At this point, I can share that we will have some time for fellowship, catch up with each other and we are going to take a "Walk down the Romans Road" as well as some more info on events, studies, and gatherings for us in the future.
Current Happenings
- The Tuesday morning study is continuing. Wayne and a group of DCC Men meet Tuesday Mornings, 6:30 am, at the Mariner’s Café. They are currently studying the book of Colossians.
- George Crabb along with the Surf Ministry always have room for men who don't mind getting all wet.... and as well they are meeting at the Chapel on Wednesday Evenings to study the bible together.
- The Thursday morning study kicks off on September 1; Bill O'Brien is leading the men through Paul's letters, they are currently in Hebrews.
- The firewood ministry will begin again later on this month after the Thursday study as weather permits.
- The Nursing Home Bingo is on a time out for a while until things get better, keep an eye out for more as the year progresses.
- Our Saturday morning small group study will begin again after the 12th, come to the gathering and we will have more information on this study and more!
Questions? Call the office or email at DCCMen@dcchruch.org