• Rob DeCou Teams Up with Darren Sweeney to Compete in The Uberman & Fight Human Trafficking

    DCC Rob and Darren 1In the midst of all that occured in 2020, Dungeness Community Church's Youth Director Darren Sweeney flew to California to help his friend Rob DeCou compete what may very well be the toughest triathalon in the world, the Uberman. What's interesting about Darren teaming up with Rob down to why Rob chose to run the race in the first place. In this article Rob DeCou describes how he and Darren first met, how that changed his life, and how Darren's future work as missionary/global work for Dungeness Community Church led to Rob competing in what is known as "the worlds hardest endurance race."

  • It All Begins With Water: Living Water International's Relationship with DCC

    20200125 DCC LWI Picture1DCC has partnered with Living Water International for over a decade now. In that time our partnership has reached more than 20 communities across 4 continents. We recently interacted with Julie Hill from LWI as part of our 2020 Advent Conspiracy. Here she explains the work of LWI and how Dungeness Community Church has contributed to their work over the years.

    "It is not by man but God alone that we can continue to find water, Living Water, HIS water, His life, country by country, well by well and gift by gift."

    - Julie Hill 

  • Living Water International, Advent Conspiracy & Dungeness Community Church

    In 1990 a group of Christians from Houston, Texas went on a medical mission to Kenya, Africa. While there, they learned that what these Kenyans needed more than medical assistance is clean, safe water.  Dirty water is mainly what was making them ill. This group returned to Houston and formed the nonprofit Living Water International and since that date they have completed 21,058 water projects that provides safe water to over 6 million thirsty people (as of 7/27/20).